4  Relations

4.1. Ordered Pairs and Cartesian Products

Section 4.1 of How To Prove It defines the Cartesian product \(A \times B\) of two sets \(A\) and \(B\) to be the set of all ordered pairs \((a, b)\), where \(a \in A\) and \(b \in B\). However, in Lean, Cartesian product is an operation on types, not sets. If A and B are types, then A × B is the type of ordered pairs (a, b), where a has type A and b has type B. (To enter the symbol × in Lean, type \times or \x.) In other words, if you have a : A and b : B, then (a, b) is an object of type A × B. There is also notation for the first and second coordinates of an ordered pair. If p has type A × B, then p.fst is the first coordinate of p, and p.snd is the second coordinate. You can also use the notation p.1 for the first coordinate of p and p.2 for the second coordinate. This means that p = (p.fst, p.snd) = (p.1, p.2).

4.2. Relations

Section 4.2 of HTPI defines a relation from \(A\) to \(B\) to be a subset of \(A \times B\). In other words, if \(R\) is a relation from \(A\) to \(B\), then \(R\) is a set whose element are ordered pairs \((a, b)\), where \(a \in A\) and \(b \in B\). We will see in the next section that in Lean, it is convenient to use a somewhat different definition of relations. Nevertheless, we will take some time in this section to study sets of ordered pairs. If A and B are types, and R has type Set (A × B), then R is a set whose elements are ordered pairs (a, b), where a has type A and b has type B.

Section 4.2 of HTPI discusses several concepts concerning relations. Here is how these concepts are defined in HTPI (HTPI p. 183):

Suppose \(R\) is a relation from \(A\) to \(B\). Then the domain of \(R\) is the set

\(\text{Dom}(R) = \{a \in A \mid \exists b \in B((a, b) \in R)\}\).

The range of \(R\) is the set

\(\text{Ran}(R) = \{b \in B \mid \exists a \in A((a, b) \in R)\}\).

The inverse of \(R\) is the relation \(R^{-1}\) from \(B\) to \(A\) define as follows:

\(R^{-1} = \{(b, a) \in B \times A \mid (a, b) \in R\}\).

Finally, suppose \(R\) is a relation from \(A\) to \(B\) and \(S\) is a relation from \(B\) to \(C\). Then the composition of \(S\) and \(R\) is the relation \(S \circ R\) from \(A\) to \(C\) defined as follows:

\(S \circ R = \{(a, c) \in A \times C \mid \exists b \in B((a, b) \in R \text{ and } (b, c) \in S)\}\).

There are several examples in HTPI that illustrate these definitions. We will focus here on seeing how to work with these concepts in Lean.

We can write corresponding definitions in Lean as follows:

def Dom {A B : Type} (R : Set (A × B)) : Set A :=
  {a : A | ∃ (b : B), (a, b) ∈ R}

def Ran {A B : Type} (R : Set (A × B)) : Set B :=
  {b : B | ∃ (a : A), (a, b) ∈ R}

def inv {A B : Type} (R : Set (A × B)) : Set (B × A) :=
  {(b, a) : B × A | (a, b) ∈ R}

def comp {A B C : Type}
    (S : Set (B × C)) (R : Set (A × B)) : Set (A × C) :=
  {(a, c) : A × C | ∃ (x : B), (a, x) ∈ R ∧ (x, c) ∈ S}

Definitions in Lean are introduced with the keyword def. In the definition of Dom, we have declared that A and B are implicit arguments and R is an explicit argument. That means that, in a Lean file containing these definitions, if we have R : Set (A × B), then we can just write Dom R for the domain of R, and Lean will figure out for itself what A and B are. After the list of arguments there is a colon and then the type of Dom R, which is Set A. This is followed by := and then the definition of Dom R. The definition says that Dom R is the set of all objects a of type A such that there is some b of type B with (a, b) ∈ R. This is a direct translation, into Lean’s type-theory language, of the first part of Definition 4.2.3. The other three definitions are similar; they define Ran R to be the range of R, inv R to be the inverse of R, and comp S R to be the composition of S and R.

Here is the main theorem about these concepts, as stated in HTPI (HTPI p. 187):

Suppose \(R\) is a relation from \(A\) to \(B\), \(S\) is a relation from \(B\) to \(C\), and \(T\) is a relation from \(C\) to \(D\). Then:

  1. \((R^{-1})^{-1} = R\).
  2. \(\mathrm{Dom}(R^{-1}) = \mathrm{Ran}(R)\).
  3. \(\mathrm{Ran}(R^{-1}) = \mathrm{Dom}(R)\).
  4. \(T \circ (S \circ R) = (T \circ S) \circ R\).
  5. \((S \circ R)^{-1} = R^{-1} \circ S^{-1}\).

All five parts of this theorem follow directly from the definitions of the relevant concepts. In fact, in the first three parts, Lean recognizes the two sides of the equation as being definitionally equal, and therefore the tactic rfl proves those parts:

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_1 {A B : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) : inv (inv R) = R := by rfl

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_2 {A B : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) : Dom (inv R) = Ran R := by rfl

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_3 {A B : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) : Ran (inv R) = Dom R := by rfl

The fourth part will take a little more work to prove. We start the proof like this:

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_4 {A B C D : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S : Set (B × C)) (T : Set (C × D)) :
    comp T (comp S R) = comp (comp T S) R := by
  apply Set.ext
  fix (a, d) : A × D

After the apply Set.ext tactic, the goal is

∀ (x : A × D), x ∈ comp T (comp S R) ↔︎ x ∈ comp (comp T S) R

The next step should be to introduce an arbitrary object of type A × D. We could just call this object x, but Lean lets us use a shortcut here. An object of type A × D must have the form of an ordered pair, where the first coordinate has type A and the second has type D. So Lean lets us write it as an ordered pair right away. That’s what we’ve done in the second step, fix (a, d) : A × D. This tactic introduces two new variables into the proof, a : A and d : D. (The proof in HTPI uses a similar shortcut. And we used a similar shortcut in the definitions of inv R and comp R, where the elements of these sets were written as ordered pairs.)

Here is the complete proof.

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_4 {A B C D : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S : Set (B × C)) (T : Set (C × D)) :
    comp T (comp S R) = comp (comp T S) R := by
  apply Set.ext
  fix (a, d) : A × D
  apply Iff.intro
  · -- (→)
    assume h1 : (a, d) ∈ comp T (comp S R)
                     --Goal : (a, d) ∈ comp (comp T S) R
    define           --Goal : ∃ (x : B), (a, x) ∈ R ∧ (x, d) ∈ comp T S
    define at h1     --h1 : ∃ (x : C), (a, x) ∈ comp S R ∧ (x, d) ∈ T
    obtain (c : C) (h2 : (a, c) ∈ comp S R ∧ (c, d) ∈ T) from h1
    have h3 : (a, c) ∈ comp S R := h2.left
    define at h3     --h3 : ∃ (x : B), (a, x) ∈ R ∧ (x, c) ∈ S
    obtain (b : B) (h4 : (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, c) ∈ S) from h3
    apply Exists.intro b    --Goal : (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, d) ∈ comp T S
    apply And.intro h4.left --Goal : (b, d) ∈ comp T S
    define                  --Goal : ∃ (x : C), (b, x) ∈ S ∧ (x, d) ∈ T
    show ∃ (x : C), (b, x) ∈ S ∧ (x, d) ∈ T from
      Exists.intro c (And.intro h4.right h2.right)
  · -- (←)
    assume h1 : (a, d) ∈ comp (comp T S) R
    define; define at h1
    obtain (b : B) (h2 : (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, d) ∈ comp T S) from h1
    have h3 : (b, d) ∈ comp T S := h2.right
    define at h3
    obtain (c : C) (h4 : (b, c) ∈ S ∧ (c, d) ∈ T) from h3
    apply Exists.intro c
    apply And.intro _ h4.right
    show ∃ (x : B), (a, x) ∈ R ∧ (x, c) ∈ S from
      Exists.intro b (And.intro h2.left h4.left)

Of course, if you have trouble reading this proof, you can enter it into Lean and see how the tactic state changes over the course of the proof.

Here is a natural way to start the proof of part 5:

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_5 {A B C : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S : Set (B × C)) :
    inv (comp S R) = comp (inv R) (inv S) := by
  apply Set.ext
  fix (c, a) : C × A
  apply Iff.intro
  · -- (→)
    assume h1 : (c, a) ∈ inv (comp S R)
                      --Goal : (c, a) ∈ comp (inv R) (inv S)
    define at h1      --h1 : ∃ (x : B), (a, x) ∈ R ∧ (x, c) ∈ S
    define            --Goal : ∃ (x : B), (c, x) ∈ inv S ∧ (x, a) ∈ inv R
    obtain (b : B) (h2 : (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, c) ∈ S) from h1
    apply Exists.intro b         --Goal : (c, b) ∈ inv S ∧ (b, a) ∈ inv R
  · -- (←)


After the tactics apply Set.ext and fix (c, a) : C × A, the goal is (c, a) ∈ inv (comp S R) ↔︎ (c, a) ∈ comp (inv R) (inv S). For the proof of the left-to-right direction, we assume h1 : (c, a) ∈ inv (comp S R), and we must prove (c, a) ∈ comp (inv R) (inv S). The definition of h1 is an existential statement, so we apply existential instantiation to obtain b : B and h2 : (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, c) ∈ S. The definition of the goal is also an existential statement, and after the tactic apply Exists.intro b, the goal is (c, b) ∈ inv S ∧ (b, a) ∈ inv R. It looks like this goal will follow easily from h2, using the definitions of the inverses of S and R.

One way to write out these definitions would be to use the tactics define : (c, b) ∈ inv S and define : (b, a) ∈ inv R. But we’re going to use this example to illustrate another way to proceed. To use this alternative method, we’ll need to prove a preliminary theorem before proving part 5 of Theorem 4.2.5:

theorem inv_def {A B : Type} (R : Set (A × B)) (a : A) (b : B) :
    (b, a) ∈ inv R ↔ (a, b) ∈ R := by rfl

Now, any time we have a relation R : Set (A × B) and objects a : A and b : B, the expression inv_def R a b will be a proof of the statement (b, a) ∈ inv R ↔︎ (a, b) ∈ R. (Note that A and B are implicit arguments and don’t need to be specified.) And that means that the tactic rewrite [inv_def R a b] will change (b, a) ∈ inv R to (a, b) ∈ R. In fact, as we’ve seen before, you can just write rewrite [inv_def], and Lean will figure out how to apply the theorem inv_def to rewrite some part of the goal.

Returning to our proof of part 5 of Theorem 4.2.5, recall that after the step apply Exists.intro b, the goal is (c, b) ∈ inv S ∧ (b, a) ∈ inv R. Rather than using the define tactic to write out the definitions of the inverses, we’ll use the tactic rewrite [inv_def, inv_def]. Why do we list inv_def twice in the rewrite tactic? When we ask Lean to use the theorem inv_def as a rewriting rule, it figures out that inv_def S b c is a proof of the statement (c, b) ∈ inv S ↔︎ (b, c) ∈ S, which can be used to rewrite the left half of the goal. To rewrite the right half, we need a different application of the inv_def theorem, inv_def R a b. So we have to ask Lean to apply the theorem a second time. After the rewrite tactic, the goal is (b, c) ∈ S ∧ (a, b) ∈ R, which will follow easily from h2.

The rest of the proof of straightforward. Here is the complete proof.

theorem Theorem_4_2_5_5 {A B C : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S : Set (B × C)) :
    inv (comp S R) = comp (inv R) (inv S) := by
  apply Set.ext
  fix (c, a) : C × A
  apply Iff.intro
  · -- (→)
    assume h1 : (c, a) ∈ inv (comp S R)
                      --Goal : (c, a) ∈ comp (inv R) (inv S)
    define at h1      --h1 : ∃ (x : B), (a, x) ∈ R ∧ (x, c) ∈ S
    define            --Goal : ∃ (x : B), (c, x) ∈ inv S ∧ (x, a) ∈ inv R
    obtain (b : B) (h2 : (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, c) ∈ S) from h1
    apply Exists.intro b         --Goal : (c, b) ∈ inv S ∧ (b, a) ∈ inv R
    rewrite [inv_def, inv_def] --Goal : (b, c) ∈ S ∧ (a, b) ∈ R
    show (b, c) ∈ S ∧ (a, b) ∈ R from And.intro h2.right h2.left
  · -- (←)
    assume h1 : (c, a) ∈ comp (inv R) (inv S)
    define at h1
    obtain (b : B) (h2 : (c, b) ∈ inv S ∧ (b, a) ∈ inv R) from h1
    apply Exists.intro b
    rewrite [inv_def, inv_def] at h2
    show (a, b) ∈ R ∧ (b, c) ∈ S from And.intro h2.right h2.left

By the way, an alternative way to complete both directions of this proof would have been to apply the commutativity of “and”. See if you can guess the name of that theorem (you can use #check to confirm your guess) and apply it as a third rewriting rule in the rewrite steps.


theorem Exercise_4_2_9a {A B C : Type} (R : Set (A × B))
    (S : Set (B × C)) : Dom (comp S R) ⊆ Dom R := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_2_9b {A B C : Type} (R : Set (A × B))
    (S : Set (B × C)) : Ran R ⊆ Dom S → Dom (comp S R) = Dom R := sorry
--Fill in the blank to get a correct theorem and then prove the theorem
theorem Exercise_4_2_9c {A B C : Type} (R : Set (A × B))
    (S : Set (B × C)) : ___ → Ran (comp S R) = Ran S := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_2_12a {A B C : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S T : Set (B × C)) :
    (comp S R) \ (comp T R) ⊆ comp (S \ T) R := sorry

5. Here is an incorrect theorem with an incorrect proof.

Suppose \(R\) is a relation from \(A\) to \(B\) and \(S\) and \(T\) are relations from \(B\) to \(C\). Then \((S \setmin T) \circ R \subseteq (S \circ R) \setmin (T \circ R)\).

Suppose \((a, c) \in (S \setmin T) \circ R\). Then we can choose some \(b \in B\) such that \((a, b) \in R\) and \((b, c) \in S \setmin T\), so \((b, c) \in S\) and \((b, c) \notin T\). Since \((a, b) \in R\) and \((b, c) \in S\), \((a, c) \in S \circ R\). Similarly, since \((a, b) \in R\) and \((b, c) \notin T\), \((a, c) \notin T \circ R\). Therefore \((a, c) \in (S \circ R) \setmin (T \circ R)\). Since \((a, c)\) was arbitrary, this shows that \((S \setmin T) \circ R \subseteq (S \circ R) \setmin (T \circ R)\).  □

Find the mistake in the proof by attempting to write the proof in Lean:

--You won't be able to complete this proof
theorem Exercise_4_2_12b {A B C : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S T : Set (B × C)) :
    comp (S \ T) R ⊆ (comp S R) \ (comp T R) := sorry

6. Is the following theorem correct? Try to prove it in Lean. If you can’t prove it, see if you can find a counterexample.

--You might not be able to complete this proof
theorem Exercise_4_2_14c {A B C : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S T : Set (B × C)) :
    comp (S ∩ T) R = (comp S R) ∩ (comp T R) := sorry

7. Is the following theorem correct? Try to prove it in Lean. If you can’t prove it, see if you can find a counterexample.

--You might not be able to complete this proof
theorem Exercise_4_2_14d {A B C : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (S T : Set (B × C)) :
    comp (S ∪ T) R = (comp S R) ∪ (comp T R) := sorry

4.3. More About Relations

Section 4.3 of HTPI introduces new notation for working with relations. If \(R \subseteq A \times B\), \(a \in A\), and \(b \in B\), then HTPI introduces the notation \(aRb\) as an alternative way of saying \((a, b) \in R\).

The notation we will use in Lean is slightly different. Corresponding to the notation \(aRb\) in HTPI, in Lean we will use the notation R a b. And we cannot use this notation when R has type Set (A × B). Rather, we will need to introduce a new type for the variable R in the notation R a b. The name we will use for this new type is Rel A B. Thus, if R has type Rel A B, a has type A, and b has type B, then R a b is a proposition. This should remind you of the way predicates work in Lean. If we have P : Pred A, then we think of P as representing a property that an object of type A might have, and if we also have a : A, then P a is the proposition asserting that a has the property represented by P. Similarly, if we have R : Rel A B, then we can think of R as representing a relationship that might hold between an object of type A and an object of type B, and if we also have a : A and b : B, then R a b is the proposition asserting that the relationship represented by R holds between a and b.

Notice that in HTPI, the same variable \(R\) is used in both the notation \(aRb\) and \((a, b) \in R\). But in Lean, the notation R a b is used when R has type Rel A B, and the notation (a, b) ∈ R is used when R has type Set (A × B). The types Rel A B and Set (A × B) are different, so we cannot use the same variable R in the two notations. However, there is a correspondence between the two types. Suppose R has type Rel A B. If we let R' denote the set of all ordered pairs (a, b) : A × B such that the proposition R a b is true, then R' has type Set (A × B). And there is then a simple relationship between R and R': for any objects a : A and b : B, the propositions R a b and (a, b) ∈ R' are equivalent. For our work in Lean, we will say that R is a relation from A to B, and R' is the extension of R.

We can define the extension of a relation, and state the correspondence between a relation and its extension, in Lean as follows:

def extension {A B : Type} (R : Rel A B) : Set (A × B) :=
  {(a, b) : A × B | R a b}

theorem ext_def {A B : Type} (R : Rel A B) (a : A) (b : B) :
    (a, b) ∈ extension R ↔ R a b := by rfl

The rest of Chapter 4 of HTPI focuses on relations from a set to itself; in Lean, the corresponding idea is a relation from a type to itself. If A is any type and R has type Rel A A, then we will say that R is a binary relation on A. The notation BinRel A denotes the type of binary relations on A. In other words, BinRel A is just an abbreviation for Rel A A. If R is a binary relation on A, then we say that R is reflexive if for every x of type A, R x x holds. It is symmetric if for all x and y of type A, if R x y then R y x. And it is transitive if for all x, y, and z of type A, if R x y and R y z then R x z. Of course, we can tell Lean about these definitions, which correspond to Definition 4.3.2 in HTPI:

def reflexive {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  ∀ (x : A), R x x

def symmetric {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  ∀ (x y : A), R x y → R y x

def transitive {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  ∀ (x y z : A), R x y → R y z → R x z

Once again, we refer you to HTPI to see examples of these concepts, and we focus here on proving theorems about these concepts in Lean. The main theorem about these concepts in Section 4.3 of HTPI is Theorem 4.3.4. Here is what it says (HTPI p. 196):

Suppose \(R\) is a relation on a set \(A\).

  1. \(R\) is reflexive iff \(\{(x, y) \in A \times A \mid x = y\} \subseteq R\).
  2. \(R\) is symmetric iff \(R = R^{-1}\).
  3. \(R\) is transitive iff \(R \circ R \subseteq R\).

We can prove corresponding statements in Lean, but we’ll have to be careful to distinguish between the types BinRel A and Set (A × A). In HTPI, each of the three statements in the theorem uses the same letter \(R\) on both sides of the “iff”, but we can’t write the statements that way in Lean. In each statement, the part before “iff” uses a concept that was defined for objects of type BinRel A, whereas the part after “iff” uses concepts that only make sense for objects of type Set (A × A). So we’ll have to rephrase the statements by using the correspondence between a relation of type BinRel A and its extension, which has type Set (A × A). Here’s the Lean theorem corresponding to statement 2 of Theorem 4.3.4:

theorem Theorem_4_3_4_2 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) :
    symmetric R ↔ extension R = inv (extension R) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  · -- (→)
    assume h1 : symmetric R
    define at h1             --h1 : ∀ (x y : A), R x y → R y x
    apply Set.ext
    fix (a, b) : A × A
    show (a, b) ∈ extension R ↔ (a, b) ∈ inv (extension R) from
      calc (a, b) ∈ extension R
        _ ↔ R a b := by rfl
        _ ↔ R b a := Iff.intro (h1 a b) (h1 b a)
        _ ↔ (a, b) ∈ inv (extension R) := by rfl
  · -- (←)
    assume h1 : extension R = inv (extension R)
    define                   --Goal : ∀ (x y : A), R x y → R y x
    fix a : A; fix b : A
    assume h2 : R a b        --Goal : R b a
    rewrite [←ext_def R, h1, inv_def, ext_def] at h2
    show R b a from h2

Note that near the end of the proof, we assume h2 : R a b, and our goal is R b a. We convert R a b to R b a by a sequence of rewrites. Applying the right-to-left direction of the theorem ext_def R a b converts R a b to (a, b) ∈ extension R. Then rewriting with h1 converts this to (a, b) ∈ inv (extension R), using inv_def (extension R) b a converts this to (b, a) ∈ extension R, and finally ext_def R b a produces R b a. Usually we can leave out the arguments when we use a theorem as a rewriting rule, and Lean will figure them out for itself. But in this case, if you try using ←ext_def as the first rewriting rule, you will see that Lean is unable to figure out that it should use the right-to-left direction of ext_def R a b. Supplying the first argument turns out to be enough of a hint for Lean to figure out the rest. That’s why our first rewriting rule is ←ext_def R.

We’ll leave the proofs of the other two statements in Theorem 4.3.4 as exercises for you.

For any types A and B, if we want to define a particular relation R from A to B, we can do it by specifying, for any a : A and b : B, what proposition is represented by R a b. For example, for any type A, we can define a relation elementhood A from A to Set A as follows:

def elementhood (A : Type) (a : A) (X : Set A) : Prop := a ∈ X

This definition says that if A is a type, a has type A, and X has type Set A, then elementhood A a X is the proposition a ∈ X. Thus, if elementhood A is followed by objects of type A and Set A, the result is a proposition, so elementhood A is functioning as a relation from A to Set A. For example, elementhood Int is a relation from integers to sets of integers, and elementhood Int 6 {n : Int | ∃ (k : Int), n = 2 * k} is the (true) statement that 6 is an element of the set of even integers. (You are asked to prove it in the exercises.)

We can also use this method to define an operation that reverses the process of forming the extension of a relation. If R has type Set (A × B), then we define RelFromExt R to be the relation whose extension is R. A few simple theorems, which follow directly from the definition, clarify the meaning of RelFromExt R.

def RelFromExt {A B : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (a : A) (b : B) : Prop := (a, b) ∈ R

theorem RelFromExt_def {A B : Type}
    (R : Set (A × B)) (a : A) (b : B) :
    RelFromExt R a b ↔ (a, b) ∈ R := by rfl

example {A B : Type} (R : Rel A B) :
    RelFromExt (extension R) = R := by rfl

example {A B : Type} (R : Set (A × B)) :
    extension (RelFromExt R) = R := by rfl


example :
    elementhood Int 6 {n : Int | ∃ (k : Int), n = 2 * k} := sorry
theorem Theorem_4_3_4_1 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) :
    reflexive R ↔ {(x, y) : A × A | x = y} ⊆ extension R := sorry
theorem Theorem_4_3_4_3 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) :
    transitive R ↔
      comp (extension R) (extension R) ⊆ extension R := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_3_12a {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h1 : reflexive R) :
    reflexive (RelFromExt (inv (extension R))) := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_3_12c {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h1 : transitive R) :
    transitive (RelFromExt (inv (extension R))) := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_3_18 {A : Type}
    (R S : BinRel A) (h1 : transitive R) (h2 : transitive S)
    (h3 : comp (extension S) (extension R) ⊆
      comp (extension R) (extension S)) :
    transitive (RelFromExt (comp (extension R) (extension S))) := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_3_20 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (S : BinRel (Set A))
    (h : ∀ (X Y : Set A), S X Y ↔ X ≠ ∅ ∧ Y ≠ ∅ ∧
    ∀ (x y : A), x ∈ X → y ∈ Y → R x y) :
    transitive R → transitive S := sorry

In the next three exercises, determine whether or not the theorem is correct.

--You might not be able to complete this proof
theorem Exercise_4_3_13b {A : Type}
    (R1 R2 : BinRel A) (h1 : symmetric R1) (h2 : symmetric R2) :
    symmetric (RelFromExt ((extension R1) ∪ (extension R2))) := sorry
--You might not be able to complete this proof
theorem Exercise_4_3_13c {A : Type}
    (R1 R2 : BinRel A) (h1 : transitive R1) (h2 : transitive R2) :
    transitive (RelFromExt ((extension R1) ∪ (extension R2))) := sorry
--You might not be able to complete this proof
theorem Exercise_4_3_19 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (S : BinRel (Set A))
    (h : ∀ (X Y : Set A), S X Y ↔ ∃ (x y : A), x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ Y ∧ R x y) :
    transitive R → transitive S := sorry

4.4. Ordering Relations

Section 4.4 of HTPI begins by defining several new concepts about binary relations. Here are the definitions, written in Lean:

def antisymmetric {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  ∀ (x y : A), R x y → R y x → x = y

def partial_order {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  reflexive R ∧ transitive R ∧ antisymmetric R

def total_order {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  partial_order R ∧ ∀ (x y : A), R x y ∨ R y x

These definitions say that if R is a binary relation on A, then R is antisymmetric if R x y and R y x cannot both be true unless x = y. R is a partial order on A—or just a partial order, if A is clear from context—if it is reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric. And R is a total order on A if it is a partial order and also, for any x and y of type A, either R x y or R y x. Note that, since Lean groups the connective to the right, partial_order R means reflexive R ∧ (transitive R ∧ antisymmetric R), and therefore if h is a proof of partial_order R, then h.left is a proof of reflexive R, h.right.left is a proof of transitive R, and h.right.right is a proof of antisymmetric R.

Example 4.4.3 in HTPI gives several examples of partial orders and total orders. We’ll give one of those examples here. For any type A, we define sub A to be the subset relation on sets of objects of type A:

def sub (A : Type) (X Y : Set A) : Prop := X ⊆ Y

According to this definition, sub A is a binary relation on Set A, and for any two sets X and Y of type Set A, sub A X Y is the proposition X ⊆ Y. We will leave it as an exercise for you to prove that sub A is a partial order on the type Set A.

Notice that X ⊆ Y could be thought of as expressing a sense in which Y is “at least as large as” X. Often, if R is a partial order on A and a and b have type A, then R a b can be thought of as meaning that b is in some sense “at least as large as” a. Many of the concepts we study for partial and total orders are motivated by this interpretation of R.

For example, if R is a partial order on A, B has type Set A, and b has type A, then we say that b is an R-smallest element of B if it is an element of B, and every element of B is at least as large as b, according to this interpretation of the ordering R. We say that b is an R-minimal element of B if it is an element of B, and there is no other element of B that is smaller than b, according to the ordering R. We can state these precisely as definitions in Lean:

def smallestElt {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (b : A) (B : Set A) : Prop :=
  b ∈ B ∧ ∀ x ∈ B, R b x

def minimalElt {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (b : A) (B : Set A) : Prop :=
  b ∈ B ∧ ¬∃ x ∈ B, R x b ∧ x ≠ b

Notice that, as in HTPI, in Lean we can write ∀ x ∈ B, P x as an abbreviation for ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → P x, and ∃ x ∈ B, P x as an abbreviation for ∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ P x. According to these definitions, smallestElt R b B is the proposition that b is an R-smallest element of B, and minimalElt R b B means that b is an R-minimal element of B.

Theorem 4.4.6 in HTPI asserts three statements about these concepts. We’ll prove the second and third, and leave the first as an exercise for you. The first statement in Theorem 4.4.6 says that if B has an R-smallest element, then that R-smallest element is unique. Thus, we can talk about the R-smallest element of B rather than an R-smallest element. The second says that if b is the R-smallest element of B, then it is also an R-minimal element, and it is the only R-minimal element. Here is how you might start the proof. (Although Lean sometimes uses bounded quantifiers as abbreviations in the Infoview, we have written out the unabbreviated statements in the comments, to make the logic of some steps easier to follow.)

theorem Theorem_4_4_6_2 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : partial_order R) (h2 : smallestElt R b B) :
    minimalElt R b B ∧ ∀ (c : A), minimalElt R c B → b = c := by
  define at h1     --h1 : reflexive R ∧ transitive R ∧ antisymmetric R
  define at h2     --h2 : b ∈ B ∧ ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → R b x
  apply And.intro
  · -- Proof that b is minimal
    define           --Goal : b ∈ B ∧ ¬∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b
    apply And.intro h2.left
    quant_neg        --Goal : ∀ (x : A), ¬(x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b)
    ** : ¬(x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b)::
  · -- Proof that b is only minimal element


When the goal is ∀ (x : A), ¬(x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b), it is tempting to apply the demorgan tactic to ¬(x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b), but unfortunately this generates an error in Lean: unknown identifier 'x'. The problem is that x is not defined in the tactic state, so without the quantifier ∀ (x : A) in front of it, ¬(x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b) doesn’t mean anything to Lean. The solution to the problem is to deal with the universal quantifier first by introducing an arbitrary x of type A. Once x has been introduced, we can apply the demorgan tactic.

theorem Theorem_4_4_6_2 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : partial_order R) (h2 : smallestElt R b B) :
    minimalElt R b B ∧ ∀ (c : A), minimalElt R c B → b = c := by
  define at h1     --h1 : reflexive R ∧ transitive R ∧ antisymmetric R
  define at h2     --h2 : b ∈ B ∧ ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → R b x
  apply And.intro
  · -- Proof that b is minimal
    define           --Goal : b ∈ B ∧ ¬∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b
    apply And.intro h2.left
    quant_neg        --Goal : ∀ (x : A), ¬(x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b)
    fix x : A
    demorgan         --Goal : ¬x ∈ B ∨ ¬(R x b ∧ x ≠ b)
    or_right with h3 --h3 : x ∈ B; Goal : ¬(R x b ∧ x ≠ b)
    demorgan         --Goal : ¬R x b ∨ x = b
    or_right with h4 --h4 : R x b; Goal : x = b
    have h5 : R b x := h2.right x h3
    have h6 : antisymmetric R := h1.right.right
    define at h6     --h6 : ∀ (x y : A), R x y → R y x → x = y
    show x = b from h6 x b h4 h5
  · -- Proof that b is only minimal element
    fix c : A
    assume h3 : minimalElt R c B
    define at h3    --h3 : c ∈ B ∧ ¬∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x c ∧ x ≠ c
    contradict h3.right with h4
                  --h4 : ¬b = c; Goal : ∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x c ∧ x ≠ c
    have h5 : R b c := h2.right c h3.left
    show ∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x c ∧ x ≠ c from
      Exists.intro b (And.intro h2.left (And.intro h5 h4))

Finally, the third statement in Theorem 4.4.6 says that if R is a total order, then any R-minimal element of a set B must be the R-smallest element of B. The beginning of the proof is straightforward:

theorem Theorem_4_4_6_3 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : total_order R) (h2 : minimalElt R b B) : smallestElt R b B := by
  define at h1         --h1 : partial_order R ∧ ∀ (x y : A), R x y ∨ R y x
  define at h2         --h2 : b ∈ B ∧ ¬∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b
  define               --Goal : b ∈ B ∧ ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → R b x
  apply And.intro h2.left  --Goal : ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → R b x
  fix x : A
  assume h3 : x ∈ B        --Goal : R b x

Surprisingly, at this point it is difficult to find a way to reach the goal R b x. See HTPI for an explanation of why it turns out to be helpful to split the proof into two cases, depending on whether or not x = b. Of course, we use the by_cases tactic for this.

theorem Theorem_4_4_6_3 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : total_order R) (h2 : minimalElt R b B) : smallestElt R b B := by
  define at h1         --h1 : partial_order R ∧ ∀ (x y : A), R x y ∨ R y x
  define at h2         --h2 : b ∈ B ∧ ¬∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b
  define               --Goal : b ∈ B ∧ ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → R b x
  apply And.intro h2.left  --Goal : ∀ (x : A), x ∈ B → R b x
  fix x : A
  assume h3 : x ∈ B        --Goal : R b x
  by_cases h4 : x = b
  · -- Case 1. h4 : x = b
    rewrite [h4]           --Goal : R b b
    have h5 : partial_order R := h1.left
    define at h5
    have h6 : reflexive R := h5.left
    define at h6
    show R b b from h6 b
  · -- Case 2. h4 : x ≠ b
    have h5 : ∀ (x y : A), R x y ∨ R y x := h1.right
    have h6 : R x b ∨ R b x := h5 x b
    have h7 : ¬R x b := by
      contradict h2.right with h8
      show ∃ (x : A), x ∈ B ∧ R x b ∧ x ≠ b from
        Exists.intro x (And.intro h3 (And.intro h8 h4))
    disj_syll h6 h7
    show R b x from h6

Imitating the definitions above, you should be able to formulate definitions of R-largest and R-maximal elements. Section 4.4 of HTPI defines four more terms: upper bound, lower bound, least upper bound, and greatest lower bound. We will discuss upper bounds and least upper bounds, and leave lower bounds and greatest lower bounds for you to figure out on your own.

If R is a partial order on A, B has type Set A, and a has type A, then a is called an upper bound for B if it is at least as large as every element of B. If it is the smallest element of the set of upper bounds, then it is called the least upper bound of B. The phrase “least upper bound” is often abbreviated “lub”. Here are these definitions, written in Lean:

def upperBd {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (a : A) (B : Set A) : Prop :=
  ∀ x ∈ B, R x a

def lub {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (a : A) (B : Set A) : Prop :=
  smallestElt R a {c : A | upperBd R c B}

As usual, we will let you consult HTPI for examples of these concepts. But we will mention one example: If A is a type and F has type Set (Set A)—that is, F is a set whose elements are sets of objects of type A—then the least upper bound of F, with respect to the partial order sub A, is ⋃₀ F. We leave the proof of this fact as an exercise.


theorem Example_4_4_3_1 {A : Type} : partial_order (sub A) := sorry
theorem Theorem_4_4_6_1 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : partial_order R) (h2 : smallestElt R b B) :
    ∀ (c : A), smallestElt R c B → b = c := sorry
--If F is a set of sets, then ⋃₀ F is the lub of F in the subset ordering
theorem Theorem_4_4_11 {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) :
    lub (sub A) (⋃₀ F) F := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_8 {A B : Type} (R : BinRel A) (S : BinRel B)
    (T : BinRel (A × B)) (h1 : partial_order R) (h2 : partial_order S)
    (h3 : ∀ (a a' : A) (b b' : B),
      T (a, b) (a', b') ↔ R a a' ∧ S b b') :
    partial_order T := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_9_part {A B : Type} (R : BinRel A) (S : BinRel B)
    (L : BinRel (A × B)) (h1 : total_order R) (h2 : total_order S)
    (h3 : ∀ (a a' : A) (b b' : B),
      L (a, b) (a', b') ↔ R a a' ∧ (a = a' → S b b')) :
    ∀ (a a' : A) (b b' : B),
      L (a, b) (a', b') ∨ L (a', b') (a, b) := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_15a {A : Type}
    (R1 R2 : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : partial_order R1) (h2 : partial_order R2)
    (h3 : extension R1 ⊆ extension R2) :
    smallestElt R1 b B → smallestElt R2 b B := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_15b {A : Type}
    (R1 R2 : BinRel A) (B : Set A) (b : A)
    (h1 : partial_order R1) (h2 : partial_order R2)
    (h3 : extension R1 ⊆ extension R2) :
    minimalElt R2 b B → minimalElt R1 b B := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_18a {A : Type}
    (R : BinRel A) (B1 B2 : Set A) (h1 : partial_order R)
    (h2 : ∀ x ∈ B1, ∃ y ∈ B2, R x y) (h3 : ∀ x ∈ B2, ∃ y ∈ B1, R x y) :
    ∀ (x : A), upperBd R x B1 ↔ upperBd R x B2 := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_22 {A : Type}
    (R : BinRel A) (B1 B2 : Set A) (x1 x2 : A)
    (h1 : partial_order R) (h2 : lub R x1 B1) (h3 : lub R x2 B2) :
    B1 ⊆ B2 → R x1 x2 := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_4_24 {A : Type} (R : Set (A × A)) :
    smallestElt (sub (A × A)) (R ∪ (inv R))
    {T : Set (A × A) | R ⊆ T ∧ symmetric (RelFromExt T)} := sorry

4.5. Equivalence Relations

Chapter 4 of HTPI concludes with the study of one more important combination of properties that a relation might have. A binary relation \(R\) on a set \(A\) is called an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. If \(x \in A\), then the equivalence class of \(x\) with respect to \(R\) is the set of all \(y \in A\) such that \(yRx\). In HTPI, this equivalence class is denoted \([x]_R\), so we have \[ [x]_R = \{y \in A \mid yRx\}. \] The set whose elements are all of these equivalence classes is called \(A\) mod \(R\). It is written \(A/R\), so \[ A/R = \{[x]_R \mid x \in A\}. \] Note that \(A/R\) is a set whose elements are sets: for each \(x \in A\), \([x]_R\) is a subset of \(A\), and \([x]_R \in A/R\).

To define these concepts in Lean, we write:

def equiv_rel {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) : Prop :=
  reflexive R ∧ symmetric R ∧ transitive R

def equivClass {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (x : A) : Set A :=
  {y : A | R y x}

def mod (A : Type) (R : BinRel A) : Set (Set A) :=
  {equivClass R x | x : A}

Thus, equiv_rel R is the proposition that R is an equivalence relation, equivClass R x is the equivalence class of x with respect to R, and mod A R is A mod R. Note that equivClass R x has type Set A, while mod A R has type Set (Set A). The definition of mod A R is shorthand for {X : Set A | ∃ (x : A), equivClass R x = X}.

HTPI gives several examples of equivalence relations, and these examples illustrate that equivalence classes always have certain properties. The most important of these are that each equivalence class is a nonempty set, the equivalence classes do not overlap, and their union is all of A. We say that the equivalence classes form a partition of A. To state and prove these properties in Lean we will need some definitions. We start with these:

def empty {A : Type} (X : Set A) : Prop := ¬∃ (x : A), x ∈ X 

def pairwise_disjoint {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) : Prop :=
  ∀ X ∈ F, ∀ Y ∈ F, X ≠ Y → empty (X ∩ Y)

To say that a set X is empty, we could write X = ∅, but it is more convenient to have a statement that says more explicitly what it means for a set to be empty. Thus, we have defined empty X to be the proposition saying that X has no elements. If F has type Set (Set A), then pairwise_disjoint F is the proposition that no two distinct elements of F have any element in common—in other words, the elements of F do not overlap. We can now give the precise definition of a partition:

def partition {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) : Prop :=
  (∀ (x : A), x ∈ ⋃₀ F) ∧ pairwise_disjoint F ∧ ∀ X ∈ F, ¬empty X

The main theorem about equivalence relations in HTPI is Theorem 4.5.4, which says that mod A R is a partition of A. The proof of this theorem is hard enough that HTPI proves two facts about equivalence classes first. A fact that is proven just for the purpose of using it to prove something else is often called a lemma. We can use this term in Lean as well. Here is the first part of Lemma 4.5.5 from HTPI

lemma Lemma_4_5_5_1 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    ∀ (x : A), x ∈ equivClass R x := by
  fix x : A
  define           --Goal : R x x
  define at h      --h : reflexive R ∧ symmetric R ∧ transitive R
  have Rref : reflexive R := h.left
  show R x x from Rref x

The command #check @Lemma_4_5_5_1 produces the result

@Lemma_4_5_5_1 : ∀ {A : Type} (R : BinRel A),
                  equiv_rel R → ∀ (x : A), x ∈ equivClass R x

Thus, if we have R : BinRel A, h : equiv_rel R, and x : A, then Lemma_4_5_5_1 R h x is a proof of x ∈ equivClass R x. We will use this at the end of the proof of our next lemma:

lemma Lemma_4_5_5_2 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    ∀ (x y : A), y ∈ equivClass R x ↔
      equivClass R y = equivClass R x := by
  have Rsymm : symmetric R := h.right.left
  have Rtrans : transitive R := h.right.right
  fix x : A; fix y : A
  apply Iff.intro
  · -- (→)
    assume h2 :
      y ∈ equivClass R x    --Goal : equivClass R y = equivClass R x
    define at h2                        --h2 : R y x
    apply Set.ext
    fix z : A
    apply Iff.intro
    · -- Proof that z ∈ equivClass R y → z ∈ equivClass R x
      assume h3 : z ∈ equivClass R y
      define                            --Goal : R z x
      define at h3                      --h3 : R z y
      show R z x from Rtrans z y x h3 h2
    · -- Proof that z ∈ equivClass R x → z ∈ equivClass R y
      assume h3 : z ∈ equivClass R x
      define                            --Goal : R z y
      define at h3                      --h3 : R z x
      have h4 : R x y := Rsymm y x h2
      show R z y from Rtrans z x y h3 h4
  · -- (←)
    assume h2 :
      equivClass R y = equivClass R x   --Goal : y ∈ equivClass R x
    rewrite [←h2]                       --Goal : y ∈ equivClass R y
    show y ∈ equivClass R y from Lemma_4_5_5_1 R h y

The definition of “partition” has three parts, so to prove Theorem 4.5.4 we will have to prove three statements. It will make the proof easier to read if we prove the three statements separately.

lemma Theorem_4_5_4_part_1 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    ∀ (x : A), x ∈ ⋃₀ (mod A R) := by
  fix x : A
  define        --Goal : ∃ (t : Set A), t ∈ mod A R ∧ x ∈ t
  apply Exists.intro (equivClass R x)
  apply And.intro _ (Lemma_4_5_5_1 R h x)
                --Goal : equivClass R x ∈ mod A R
  define        --Goal : ∃ (x_1 : A), equivClass R x_1 = equivClass R x
  apply Exists.intro x

lemma Theorem_4_5_4_part_2 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    pairwise_disjoint (mod A R) := by
  fix X : Set A
  assume h2 : X ∈ mod A R
  fix Y : Set A
  assume h3 : Y ∈ mod A R           --Goal : X ≠ Y → empty (X ∩ Y)
  define at h2; define at h3
  obtain (x : A) (h4 : equivClass R x = X) from h2
  obtain (y : A) (h5 : equivClass R y = Y) from h3
  assume h6 : ∃ (x : A), x ∈ X ∩ Y  --Goal : X = Y
  obtain (z : A) (h7 : z ∈ X ∩ Y) from h6
  define at h7
  rewrite [←h4, ←h5] at h7 --h7 : z ∈ equivClass R x ∧ z ∈ equivClass R y
  have h8 : equivClass R z = equivClass R x :=
    (Lemma_4_5_5_2 R h x z).ltr h7.left
  have h9 : equivClass R z = equivClass R y :=
    (Lemma_4_5_5_2 R h y z).ltr h7.right
  show X = Y from
    calc X
      _ = equivClass R x := h4.symm
      _ = equivClass R z := h8.symm
      _ = equivClass R y := h9
      _ = Y              := h5

lemma Theorem_4_5_4_part_3 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    ∀ X ∈ mod A R, ¬empty X := by
  fix X : Set A
  assume h2 : X ∈ mod A R  --Goal : ¬empty X
  define; double_neg       --Goal : ∃ (x : A), x ∈ X
  define at h2             --h2 : ∃ (x : A), equivClass R x = X
  obtain (x : A) (h3 : equivClass R x = X) from h2
  rewrite [←h3]
  show ∃ (x_1 : A), x_1 ∈ equivClass R x from
    Exists.intro x (Lemma_4_5_5_1 R h x)

It’s easy now to put everything together to prove Theorem 4.5.4.

theorem Theorem_4_5_4 {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    partition (mod A R) := And.intro (Theorem_4_5_4_part_1 R h)
      (And.intro (Theorem_4_5_4_part_2 R h) (Theorem_4_5_4_part_3 R h))

Theorem 4.5.4 shows that an equivalence relation on A determines a partition of A, namely mod A R. Our next project will be to prove Theorem 4.5.6 in HTPI, which says that every partition of A arises in this way; that is, every partition is mod A R for some equivalence relation R. To prove this, we must show how to use a partition F to define an equivalence relation R for which mod A R = F. The proof in HTPI defines the required equivalence relation R as a set of ordered pairs, but in Lean we will need to define it instead as a binary relation on A. Translating HTPI’s set-theoretic definition into Lean’s notation for binary relations leads to the following definition:

def EqRelFromPart {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (x y : A) : Prop :=
  ∃ X ∈ F, x ∈ X ∧ y ∈ X

In other words, EqRelFromPart F is the binary relation on A that is true of any two objects x and y of type A if and only if x and y belong to the same set in F. Our plan now is to show that if F is a partition of A, then EqRelFromPart F is an equivalence relation on A, and mod A (EqRelFromPart F) = F.

Once again, HTPI breaks the proof up by proving some lemmas first, and we will find it convenient to break the proof into even smaller pieces. We will leave the proofs of most of these lemmas as exercises for you.

lemma overlap_implies_equal {A : Type}
    (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    ∀ X ∈ F, ∀ Y ∈ F, ∀ (x : A), x ∈ X → x ∈ Y → X = Y := sorry

lemma Lemma_4_5_7_ref {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F):
    reflexive (EqRelFromPart F) := sorry
lemma Lemma_4_5_7_symm {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F):
    symmetric (EqRelFromPart F) := sorry

lemma Lemma_4_5_7_trans {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F):
    transitive (EqRelFromPart F) := sorry

We can now put these pieces together to prove Lemma 4.5.7 in HTPI:

lemma Lemma_4_5_7 {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    equiv_rel (EqRelFromPart F) := And.intro (Lemma_4_5_7_ref F h)
      (And.intro (Lemma_4_5_7_symm F h) (Lemma_4_5_7_trans F h))

We need one more lemma before we can prove Theorem 4.5.6:

lemma Lemma_4_5_8 {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    ∀ X ∈ F, ∀ x ∈ X, equivClass (EqRelFromPart F) x = X := sorry

We are finally now ready to address Theorem 4.5.6. Here is the statement of the theorem:

theorem Theorem_4_5_6 {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h: partition F) :
    ∃ (R : BinRel A), equiv_rel R ∧ mod A R = F

Of course, the relation R that we will use to prove the theorem is EqRelFromPart F, so we could start the proof with the tactic apply Exists.intro (EqRelFromPart F). But this means that the rest of the proof will involve many statements about the relation EqRelFromPart F. When a complicated object appears multiple times in a proof, it can make the proof a little easier to read if we give that object a name. We can do that by using a new tactic. The tactic set R : BinRel A := EqRelFromPart F introduces the new variable R into the tactic state. The variable R has type BinRel A, and it is definitionally equal to EqRelFromPart F. That means that, when necessary, Lean will fill in this definition of R. For example, one of our first steps will be to apply Lemma_4_5_7 to F and h. The conclusion of that lemma is equiv_rel (EqRelFromPart F), but Lean will recognize this as meaning the same thing as equiv_rel R. Here is the proof of the theorem:

theorem Theorem_4_5_6 {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h: partition F) :
    ∃ (R : BinRel A), equiv_rel R ∧ mod A R = F := by
  set R : BinRel A := EqRelFromPart F
  apply Exists.intro R               --Goal : equiv_rel R ∧ mod A R = F
  apply And.intro (Lemma_4_5_7 F h)  --Goal : mod A R = F
  apply Set.ext
  fix X : Set A                      --Goal :  X ∈ mod A R ↔ X ∈ F
  apply Iff.intro
  · -- (→)
    assume h2 : X ∈ mod A R          --Goal : X ∈ F
    define at h2                     --h2 : ∃ (x : A), equivClass R x = X
    obtain (x : A) (h3 : equivClass R x = X) from h2
    have h4 : x ∈ ⋃₀ F := h.left x
    define at h4
    obtain (Y : Set A) (h5 : Y ∈ F ∧ x ∈ Y) from h4
    have h6 : equivClass R x = Y :=
      Lemma_4_5_8 F h Y h5.left x h5.right
    rewrite [←h3, h6]
    show Y ∈ F from h5.left
  · -- (←)
    assume h2 : X ∈ F                --Goal : X ∈ mod A R
    have h3 : ¬empty X := h.right.right X h2
    define at h3; double_neg at h3   --h3 : ∃ (x : A), x ∈ X
    obtain (x : A) (h4 : x ∈ X) from h3
    define                       --Goal : ∃ (x : A), equivClass R x = X
    show ∃ (x : A), equivClass R x = X from
      Exists.intro x (Lemma_4_5_8 F h X h2 x h4)


lemma overlap_implies_equal {A : Type}
    (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    ∀ X ∈ F, ∀ Y ∈ F, ∀ (x : A), x ∈ X → x ∈ Y → X = Y := sorry
lemma Lemma_4_5_7_ref {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    reflexive (EqRelFromPart F) := sorry
lemma Lemma_4_5_7_symm {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    symmetric (EqRelFromPart F) := sorry
lemma Lemma_4_5_7_trans {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    transitive (EqRelFromPart F) := sorry
lemma Lemma_4_5_8 {A : Type} (F : Set (Set A)) (h : partition F) :
    ∀ X ∈ F, ∀ x ∈ X, equivClass (EqRelFromPart F) x = X := sorry
lemma elt_mod_equiv_class_of_elt
    {A : Type} (R : BinRel A) (h : equiv_rel R) :
    ∀ X ∈ mod A R, ∀ x ∈ X, equivClass R x = X := sorry

The next three exercises use the following definitions:

def dot {A : Type} (F G : Set (Set A)) : Set (Set A) :=
  {Z : Set A | ¬empty Z ∧ ∃ X ∈ F, ∃ Y ∈ G, Z = X ∩ Y}

def conj {A : Type} (R S : BinRel A) (x y : A) : Prop :=
  R x y ∧ S x y
theorem Exercise_4_5_20a {A : Type} (R S : BinRel A)
    (h1 : equiv_rel R) (h2 : equiv_rel S) :
    equiv_rel (conj R S) := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_5_20b {A : Type} (R S : BinRel A)
    (h1 : equiv_rel R) (h2 : equiv_rel S) :
    ∀ (x : A), equivClass (conj R S) x =
      equivClass R x ∩ equivClass S x := sorry
theorem Exercise_4_5_20c {A : Type} (R S : BinRel A)
    (h1 : equiv_rel R) (h2 : equiv_rel S) :
    mod A (conj R S) = dot (mod A R) (mod A S) := sorry

The next exercise uses the following definition:

def equiv_mod (m x y : Int) : Prop := m ∣ (x - y)
theorem Theorem_4_5_10 : ∀ (m : Int), equiv_rel (equiv_mod m) := sorry